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Kitty/Katie She/They Aromantic Lesbian

Stuff I like :D ā¬‡

making carrds, reading fanfiction, writing, minecraft, listening to music, psychology, talking to ppl

other places u can find me ā¬‡

feel free to reach out to me at anytime, Iā€™m always up to chat! I'll more likely answer if u message me on discord. :D

some info ā¬‡

I like cats a lot, have an interest in psychology, and I consider myself an author and artist. I'm autistic and have ADHD as well as maladaptive daydreaming disorder. If you're curious about any of those terms or have any questions u can message me on discord :)

Before you add/follow me ā¬‡

I am autistic and have odd hyperfixations and a very specific special interest. I don't take negative comments of my special interest very well, so please, if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself, thank you.

Don't add/follow me if ā¬‡

Basic DNI criteria, so if you're racist, homophic, transphobic, ableist, antisemitic, or discriminate against anyone for any unjustifiable reason, simply don't interact with me at all. Blocking isn't hard.

"i'm sat at the bottom of the lagoon with a stomach full of rocks"- @K1tty_k1tty, 2024